Never Ending Trade
AT HANDELSBEURS ANTWERP | Connected to Sapphire House Antwerp, stands the majestuous Handelsbeurs. This iconic, 16th century landmark offers 11 multifunctional rooms on the first floor with decorative stained-glass windows, beautiful parquet floors and high ceilings, and a central square that will take your breath away. The Handelsbeurs has the perfect room for each event, whether it is for a small gathering of 10 people or a big convention up to 2000 people, Handelsbeurs has got you covered.
Refined tastes and delirious decoration by J&M catering: Authenticity and innovation go hand in hand at J&M. Every budget has its prestige, striving for absolute perfection for every assignment.

Dreaming of an event?
We are happy to address all your questions on how to realize your brilliant event. Please contact us directly at the following address:
| Events at Sapphire House Antwerp:| Meetings and events at the Handelsbeurs: